Rapid Results Business Coaching for Contractors
You Have Mastered Your Trade, Now Master Your Business!
On average 50% of small business fail within the first 5 years. For small construction companies 65% fail.
Don’t Let That Be You !!!
Brian will help you achieve rapid results even if he has to beat it out of you
Dwight, Owner of Neilsen Renovations
Allan, Owner of Murray Professional Painting
Sheila, Owner of The Carolina Cabinet Painter
If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, spinning your wheels faster and faster and not making any gains. Working 70 to 80 hours a week but you and your company are in the same place, this coaching could be for you.
What is Rapid Results Coaching?
It’s intensive one-on-one coaching with Brian that will generate massive results…GUARANTEED
This coaching is NOT for every contractor. To achieve massive results, you must be willing to give massive amounts of energy.
If you want to get into shape you plan out your meals and workouts 7 days a week. You keep track and you give it all the energy you have. If you do that you are guaranteed results.
If you want to double those results you take steroids. Good or bad steroids work.
Brian is steroids for your business!
We will be taking massive action “Planting Seeds” building and putting together systems that will run your business and these systems will be growing for years to come
What will my coaching do for you and your business?
Here’s the problem you face: Most contractors never change their mindset from self-employed to business owner.
Which means you will never have the money and freedom you hoped for. Which means you will never have the time with your family you promised them, you will never go from self-employed to business owner and always be a slave to your job.
Lucky for you, there’s a solution. Let me introduce you to my Build a Better Business Coaching Program
Brian, a Supercuts Franchise Owner in Des Moines, Iowa
Think like a business owner not self-employed, so you can start working on your business, not in it, which means you will be controlling the company, it won’t control you.
Create a marking plan so you know exactly how many leads will come in each day, which means you will never have to take jobs that are not high in profit.
Learn where your easy profit comes from so you can concentrate on the easy money which means your company will double in size without extra work
Learn to use videos so you can demonstrate your expertise which means you will become the guru in your trade in your area.
So you can spend more time with your family, which means you will be with them as they grow up not stuck on a job sight.
So you can cut years off your learning curve, which means less stress, fewer headaches, and less time moving in the wrong direction.
So you can make fewer mistakes in your business, which means you get to learn from all the mistakes I’ve made (and I made a lot)
So you don’t have to do it alone, which means I’m your partner who has been there and done that.
So you can stop wondering where to go and what to do next, which means we will set up actions that
you should take daily and we’ll track those actions together.
So you can make more money in fewer hours, which means you will make more money, all while
spending time with your family.
A system for hiring and training employees, which means you won’t waste time and money hiring new employees.
A system for answering the phone and email inquiries, which means new prospects will be presold before you ever speak with them.
Start getting paid for Consultations and stop giving free estimates, which means your time to educate new clients is very valuable and you should be compensated.
George, Owner of JACE Hardwood Floors
When you have the right systems in place, success is as easy as breaking through a board
If I’ve built a successful construction company that I was able to sell, (and I did it two times), anyone can.
I quit high school in the 10th grade, moved from North Carolina to California and started working at McDonald’s.
A friend said you either have to go back to school or learn a trade so you can support yourself. (I wasn’t going back to school)
I got a job in construction, mastered my trade, bought some tools and thought I was self-employed.
I was working 70 to 80 hours a week doing everything myself, until I met a man who taught me I needed to change my mindset from self-employed to business owner.
He coached me, mentored me, told me what books to read and what seminar trainings to attend. My life has never been the same.
Rapid Results Intensive Coaching?
You get coached by me where I hold you accountable and keep you on tract.
Learn to change your mindset from self-employed to the business owner. Work on your business, not in it.
We figure out where you / your company are now and where you want to be. Then we make a quarterly plan of action, a monthly plan of action, and a weekly plan of action to help you achieve those goals.
You will have a 30-minute conference meeting with me weekly where I hold you accountable and we see what actions are working and not working and we make adjustments where needed.
We like to do the meeting on Zoom so we see each other and record it. Then send you the recording.
Turn your company into a franchise that you can sell or just let it run itself.
Below is just some of what you get!
Your website and hosting for a year. (Trust me, it needs to be rebuilt.)
We talk once a week, plus emails and Messenger.
Help set up your Google AdWords and show you how to run it.
Help set up your Google My Business and show you how to run it.
Help set up your Facebook and show you how to run it.
We will work on all of your systems:
> How to hire and train outstanding employees.
> How to answer leads, whether an email, phone call or from FB
> How to run your business operating manual
> How to sell jobs
> How to get more video testimonials
It's a lot of work to do in 3 months. It’s massive action that gets massive results and gets things moving in
the right direction.
For the next couple of years, you will be changing things and updating stuff, but now you know your energy is not wasted.
Don’t spend the next 10 years just spinning your wheels, as I did.
I was just lucky enough to meet the right people over 25 years ago and had a wife smart enough to tell me to give them the money to teach me.
She said you have over $30,000 in equipment; what good is it in the garage”
All the training videos are in Master Your Business private membership, but honestly, that's like buying a gym membership but seldom going.
When you pay a personal trainer, you show up, you do what you are supposed to do and in 3 months you see results.
Don’t wait another month. Change your life and business now!
The first coaching call is only $75. We talk for 30 minutes, find out where you and your company are and what steps you should take next.
After that you have two options:
45-minute coaching call $500
Book a coaching call whenever you feel stuck and need to make a change
3-month commitment only $9,000
We work together for 3 months. Weekly calls/zoom meetings and daily emails. We build or rebuild your website. Make sure you are using Google My Business and Facebook fully. We set up your Google Adwords. After the 3 months we do a monthly call for the next 9 months to make sure you stay on track.
100% money-back guarantee. No-Risk ! If you are not happy we will give you a refund no questions asked!