You Have Mastered Your Trade, Now Master Your Business!
After spending time on this website, You will have no excuses for failure!
If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired,
working 80 plus hours a week never spending time with your loved ones and doing everything yourself, this website is for you! When I was 17 I quit school in North Carolina, moved to California and started working in construction.
About five years later, I was a know-it-all punk so I quit and started my own business. Not so much a business, just working for myself.
It wasn’t until years later when I was working 70 and 80 hours a week and never saw my family, did I realize that I didn’t have a business, I had a job. Even worse, I was a slave to what I thought was a business.
I was doing work for a gentleman who owned several businesses but he never seemed to have to work. I asked him, "When do you work? He said, “When I want to." I said, “Don't you have to be there?” He said, “If I have to be there, I don’t have a business I have a job.”
“I don’t understand.” He said, “Do you want to, or are you just making conversation?” I said, "I really want to, I’m working 70 hours a week and if I’m not here to do the work or make sure it gets done no one will." He said, “You must change your mindset. You think like someone who is self-employed.
You need to think like a business owner.”
I mastered business the same way I mastered my trade. This Website, if you let it and you take action, can be the beginning of changing your mindset.
You may not be in a position financially to hire me as your business coach at this moment, so this website is filled with free training to get you there.
You can and you should join our monthly group coaching program.
It will accelerate your business. You can’t afford not to.
Anthony, Owner of Sunshine Handyman
Brian, a Supercuts Franchise Owner in Des Moines, Iowa
George, Owner of JACE Hardwood Floors
Training Video: 3 Major Mistakes Contractors Make
Still GREAT Advice